Regional travel in Peru – Travel program PTW-CUS005-en

Inkatrail to Machu Picchu

4 days / 3 nights


The Inca trail to Machu Picchu is one of the most spectacular hiking trails that offers an unforgettable experience. The path leads through cloud forests, high mountain landscapes and subtropical jungle. Several extremely interesting archaeological sites lie along the way with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. This is the route to Machu Picchu used by the ancient Incas. 

Inkatrail nach Machu Picchu Day 1: from Cusco to Huayllabamba

• Early morning pick up from hotel in Cusco and approximately 3 hours drive to Chilca.

• Start of the trek leading first to the ruins of Huillca Raccay and then to Llactapata (2650 m).

• Continue downhill to the Cusichaca river. During the trek we can enjoy a beautiful view of the Cordillera Urubamba and the snow-capped Mount Veronica (5860 m).

• Following the river we reach our camp in Huayllabamba (grassy plain, 3000 m) in the afternoon. Since the night camps are determined by the cultural institute, there may also be another camp nearby.

Inkatrail nach Machu Picchu • Walking time: about 5 hours. Meals: lunch, dinner. Overnight: Tent camp. 

Day 2: from Huayllabamba to Pacaymayo

• After breakfast, a seven-hour hike begins. First along the Llulluchayoc river for about an hour uphill to «Tres Piedras» (Three Stones), crossing the Huayruro River on a narrow bridge to Polylepis forests and a waterfall.

• After another three hours of climbing we reach the tree line and Llulluchapampa (3680 m).

• Another 1½ hour ascent to the first and highest pass of the hike, the «Abra de Huarmiwañusca» at 4200 m. The weather up here can be very changeable. Inkatrail nach Machu Picchu

• The descent leads steeply into the valley on old Inca steps.

• In the afternoon we reach our night camp in Pacaymayo (3600 m).

• Hiking time: about 7 hours. Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner. Overnight: Tent camp. 

Day 3: from Pacaymayo to Wiñay Huayna

• From Pacaymayo it's an initial climb of about an hour to the ruins of Runcuracay.

• After another 45 minutes we reach the 2nd pass, the «Abra de Runkuracay» (4000 m). The descent that follows is quite steep.

• Then we walk uphill on ancient Inca steps to the ruins of Sayacmarca (unreachable site, 3580 m) protected by sheer cliffs.

Inkatrail nach Machu Picchu • The path leads further up to the third pass (3700 m). From the pass we have an amazing view of the snow-capped mountains Salkantay (6180 m) and Veronica (5860 m).

• The next destination are the ruins of Puyupatamarca (city in the clouds), which we will take a closer look at.

• After about an hour of hiking on a path with many stone steps through a cloud forest, we reach Wiñay Wayna (2650 m).

• Here we set up camp for the night.

• Hiking time: about 7 hours. Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner. Overnight: Tent camp.

Day 4: from Wiñay Huayna to Machu Picchu, return to Cusco

Inkatrail nach Machu Picchu • After breakfast at 4:30 h about 1½ hour hike to Inti Punku (Sun Gate). With a bit of luck, you can watch the sunrise over Machu Picchu from here.

• Arrival at Machu Picchu around 8 h.

• Guided tour of Machu Picchu. Then some free time to explore on your own.

• By bus or on foot down to Aguas Calientes.

• Possibility to have lunch (not included), up in Machu Picchu or down in Aguas Calientes.

• In the afternoon, return to Cusco by train from Aguas Calientes.

• Transfer to the hotel.

• Hiking time: about 3 hours. Meals: breakfast.


Inkatrail nach Machu Picchu Inkatrail nach Machu Picchu


• Private bus transport to kilometer 82.

• Entry to the Inca Trail (4 days) and Machu Picchu.

• Official English speaking tourist guide.

• Camping equipment (2-man tents and camping mats, dining tent, tables, etc.).

• Porters for food, kitchen and camping equipment.

• Meals during the trek (until breakfast on day 4).

• Daily snacks, warm drinks, drinking water.

• Daily water for washing.

• Return by train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo or Poroy and transfer to the hotel in Cusco.

Inkatrail nach Machu Picchu • Oxygen bottle.

• First aid kits.

Not included:

• Sleeping bag (can be borrowed).

• Hiking poles (optional).

• Lunch in Aguas Calientes (4th day).

• Extra porters for personal luggage.

• Bus trip Machu Picchu–Aguas Calientes (4th day, optional).

• Entrance to Wayna Picchu (places are limited).

• Tips (e.g. for the porters and the cook).

• Additional drinking water (possible as an option).


Photos: ANDINA


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